Meals Inc. | Friday + Saturday
Every other Saturday, we serve a hot breakfast and dinner at Housing Matters, a homeless shelter in Santa Cruz. Every other Friday, we prepare the two meals and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that will be distributed the next day to our brothers and sisters living on the streets. Contact us to come and give this a try. [email protected] |
Community Food Bank | Wednesday
Partnering with the West Valley Food Bank, we provide food for the hungry in our community every other Wednesday afternoon in the church basement from 11am-1pm. |
Teleqan Mission | Niger, Africa
MBC partners with Daoud in Niger, Africa to translate the Bible into the native tongue of His people, the Teleqan. They number 300,000, are nomadic, and primarily Muslim. MBC has also supported the construction of several wells for the Teleqan over the years. Praise God! |
Daloy Project | Philippines
We support leaders in Daloy, Philippines in their efforts to safeguard children from sex trafficking. They equip and educate youth for their protection. |